Marie Moneysmith
Marie Moneysmith is the author of The User's Guide to Good Fats and Bad Fats and The User's Guide to Carnosine and coauthor of The User's Guide to Cartenoids and Flavonoids. She is Articles Editor for Great Life magazine and a contributing editor for Let's Live. Her feature stories have also appeared in Better Nutrition, the Los Angeles Times, LA Style, Angeles, Home, and

Save Your Hearing Now: The Revolutionary Program That Can Prevent and May Even Reverse Hearing Loss (and Michael Seidman, MD)
After 20 years of research, leading otolaryngologist Dr. Michael Seidman has developed a breakthrough all natural alternative treatment program to battle hearing loss safely and effectively. Using a specific combination of antioxidants, diet, exercise, and basic lifestyle changes, Dr. Seidman's program can help to prevent--and possibly reverse--hearing loss.
The book offers a simple self-assessment test that identifies the type, severity, and prognosis of hearing loss, comprehensive advice on diet and supplements, and natural remedies and important lifestyle changes that can make a difference. This is the ultimate resource providing answers--and hope--to the millions of hearing impaired.