Page Hodel
Page Hodel, a San Francisco Bay Area native, is an internationally renowned DJ and nightclub promoter in the LGBT community, working with major dance venues in San Francisco as well as clubs in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Paris.

Monday Hearts for Madalene
When a person falls in love, the universe—and everything in it—come vividly alive. It happened to San Francisco DJ & artist Page Hodel when she found the love of her life, Madalene Rodriguez. She expressed her devotion in an unusual way: Early every Monday morning, Page would create a heart for Madalene and leave it for her to discover somewhere near her front door. Tragically, Madalene died of ovarian cancer less than a year after she and Page met. But Page’s love goes on, beautifully symbolized in the hearts she continues to create each Monday, from a plenitude of objects.